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The reason why I wrote this book

Muscle Building Techniques


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In turn, HIT disciples reply they get much further in a natural way, without any doping.

Which training technique is the right one?

Regarding to natural athletes, HIT definitely leads the race.
Main reason: the relaxation element is taken into account. The aspect of growing muscle mass while relaxing is absolutely essential. Very often this is ignored during volume training. But is this aspect that important? Can you only take this aspect of relaxation into consideration?

No! But with a little more focus on relaxation, volume training would work a lot better.

Confused?! Please don’t stop reading this book, your anxiety will be gone real soon. At the end you will see how you can reach the maximum of muscle growth and fat burning with X-ADAPTATION within the shortest time.

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This book and all parts of this book are copyright. All use outside the copyrights and quotation rights without the author's prior consent is a punishable offence. This applies particularly to reproductions, translations and microfilms, and the saving and processing in electronic systems.


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