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The reality at the gym

High Intensity
Muscle Building


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The results at the beginning seem to be promising. The training units are terribly tough.

It is a fact that predefined things are very hard to realize sometimes. And they have learned that they have to give the maximum to stimulate muscle growth. It seems to be the key to success in training, but this training is so hard and full of frustrations. It’s no fun anymore. Some have success, others quit completely and some return to their conventional training style.

Is high intensity muscle building (HIT) really the key to success? Does a good training have to be so hard and frustrating?

I can tell you something right now – Now – there is a system which surpasses all others and it's fun. A program which makes you look forward to the next training with continuing success.

In the now following chapter I will further discuss both training theories.
Maybe you think you know everything about them, but you really should read this. You will see how simple everything can be, when you understand the coherency.

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This book and all parts of this book are copyright. All use outside the copyrights and quotation rights without the author's prior consent is a punishable offence. This applies particularly to reproductions, translations and microfilms, and the saving and processing in electronic systems.


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